PSYCH-K® for wellness professionals

If you are reading this page it means that you have decided that serving your fellow men, and women, in the best possible way, is your life’s mission and you are open, curious and looking for new tools to become an increasingly complete, effective and successful professional.

When I started getting into PSYCH-K, I was an osteopath. I immediately found that the integration of these two disciplines gave me faster and longer lasting results, often succeeding in helping people solve their problems in one session rather than three or four.

How did I get these results? By using PSYCH-K to improve myself as a person and as an osteopath, then integrating the two disciplines.

Below you will find some of the benefits you will gain after attending the PSYCH-K Basic Course. 

This is the result of my personal experience and the feedback received from wellness professionals (doctors, psychologists, coaches, wellness experts, etc.) who have attended my courses.

PSYCH-K can, therefore, assist you in:​

PSYCH-K can be a wonderful enhancement to what you already do with passion and satisfaction!


Immediately identifying the key problem and all the strengths and weaknesses of your client/patient to help you give the best possible assistance; 


Immediately creating a magical relationship with the client/patient you are working with;


Identifying the best solution to the problem, even when very well hidden;


Finding out why a problem continues to occur, i.e. or if there is a secondary benefit that makes the client/patient, whilst wanting to solve the problem at a deeper level, not let it go;


Finding a balanced level of empathy when conducting a session;


Listening in order to completely understand before responding;


Remaining in a state of neutrality and non-judgement, regardless of what the client/patient tells you;


Giving your best in every single session and still get to the end of the day full of energy;


Managing your work life and personal life in balance and harmony;


Being effective enough to create a fabulous word-of-mouth publicity;


Standing out from others because of your results, skills, commitment and professionalism;


Feeling comfortable in getting paid the right amount for the service you offer;


Optimizing your session time;


Having complete confidence in yourself as a person and as a professional;​


Your ability to manage every situation or difficulty and learn from it;


Being comfortable with every kind of personality;


Collaborating with other professionals to offer the best customer/patient service;

So many other aspects…